ICOs, also known as Initial Coin Offerings, are the new buzz word in the tech and finance world. Through ICOs, startups are able to raise funds by selling cryptocurrency tokens to investors. This year, more than $3bn has been raised through ICOs (Source: CoinSchedule). To put this in context, according to CoinDesk data, funding for
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Under the current economic circumstances, companies are under more pressure than ever to innovate if they want to survive. Conversely to what some people think, innovation doesn’t always come from the R&D division but ideas are more likely to originate with employees closer to the bottom of the organisational pyramid. As a consequence, employee empowerment
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After ten years working as a Product Manager, all I can say is that this career path has been one of the best decisions I have taken in my professional life. And I do think I’m not alone here. It sounds very much like a lot of people is or want to become one nowadays.
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HiPPO, the acronym for “highest paid person’s opinion”, is the manager pops into your project at the last moment and offers an opinion on what to include to make the project a success. You should consider the idea for obvious reasons, even if it’s out of scope, past deadline or as crazy as buying Volkswagen stock. Altogether, the HiPPO theory describes an organisation’s
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Though lean and agile methodologies are widely adopted as the main approach to product development, they remain yet too challenging specially for big companies. When Eric Ries put together the world-renowned build, measure and learn model, by which product managers shorten the production cycles focussing on functionality rather than on completeness of vision, anyone could tell how difficult would
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So, what is Holacracy? Essentially, it’s a new way of running an organisation that removes power from a management hierarchy and distributes it across clear roles, which can then be executed autonomously, without a micromanaging boss. Source: Mountain Goat Software
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