Stop Thinking About Minimum Viable Products

Though lean and agile methodologies are widely adopted as the main approach to product development, they remain yet too challenging specially for big companies. When Eric Ries put together the world-renowned build, measure and learn model, by which product managers shorten the production cycles focussing on functionality rather than on completeness of vision, anyone could tell how difficult would
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Travel Trends Dashboard by Google

“Wherever travelers go, they’re online. Whether planning a trip, navigating a new city, or sharing vacation memories, they turn to the web, using whatever device is at hand. This has completely reshaped the path to purchase, creating many moments of intent. The Google data in this dashboard, updated each quarter, provides a glimpse into these
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Hard commitment, soft commitment

Hard commitments are typical in command and control, plan driven environments and dysfunctional organisations. Soft commitments, on the other hand, abound in startup type organisations, small projects and any environment where people are happy, work as a team, take pride in their work and care about the result. Source: On the nature of commitment
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Nueva Versión del Blog para iPad y Tabletas

Viendo las estadísticas de este blog, muchos de vosotros accedéis al mismo desde teléfonos móviles o tabletas (iPad, Android, etc.). Y es que si bien el blog ha estado desde el primer día adaptado a smartphones, con una versión específica para este tipo de dispositivos, hacía tiempo que buscaba como hacer lo mismo para tabletas
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